The original airplane for RC miniscale Bucker BU 133 is the machine D-EJJI for Liesel Bach (1905-1992), women's European champion in aerobatics in 1938. This type was chosen as I have well flying peanut of the same type and it is also recommended by Robert Cok from Microinvent company.
Whole project started with the gift from Mr. Gasparin for organizing F4F 2007 in Teplice - brushless motor G15 4W Bee. Contacts from this event and meeting with Robert Cok and Ivan Moticka convinced me to use components from Microinvent company. The model is of size of peanut with wing span of 330 mm, flight weight 31.5g. It is equipper with G15 4W Bee motor from Mr. Gašparín, receiver Minor, MBC3 controller, controlled by MCA3 and MCA3-A magnetic actuators and powered by LiPol-130P and 150P battery. All components were provided by Microinvent company.
Strong balsa about 120g/dm3 is used for the bones, covering with thin Modelspan. Finish is done using airbrush technique, acrylic paint Gunze, decals are printed on inkjet.
Model is surprisingly stable and I can recommend it - it is my first electric powered RC miniscale.
[Adam Jeník]